Focus Question: What are the roles which are going to help this team excel? Description Clarity around roles in a team is critical for team success, especially when team members are working remotely and/or don’t see each other on a regular basis. Clear Roles is another important component of the Six Factors of High Performing Teams. It’s often not an area people tend to explore. Across the team, there may be different roles which each team member is well suited for. Perhaps there are members of the team who are great at:
Activity Take some time as a team to discuss the different roles which are important for you as a team in getting things done. What are the roles which are going to help the team? Who plays what role? How do the roles match with the talents and skills in the team? Are there any roles that are missing? What are the roles which are going to create new things? Get things done? You will also want to explore WHAT key roles are needed by the team? Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Co-host of the Remote Pathways Podcast Potentials Realized – Coaching, Training and Consulting Services for remote teams, leaders and professionals Check out the most recent Remote Pathways Podcast Episode, where we explore the people, places and processes of exceptional remote work. You can listen to the latest episode here, or on your favorite podcast player.
Focus Question: Who can you learn from? What new insights do you want to gain more information around? Description Mentoring is an extremely important relationship for professionals at all stages of their career. Mentors can help you see below the waterline of how things operate, understand what is needed, identify conversations you need to have, and also help you avoid pitfalls based on their own experience. Mentoring is usually a different relationship than coaching and supervision. Mentors provide insights and advice based on their own work experience. Mentoring has been found to have multiple benefits for both mentor and protégé including more confidence, clarity about what’s required, and some studies have even found reduced turnover and higher compensation. What do you see as benefits to mentoring? Activity Consider the areas you could benefit from having a mentor support you around. Making Mentoring Work There are several items which makes mentoring work including creating a roadmap of where you are going to go, having a plan, and being clear around your roles. Mentoring typically has a fixed start and end. It can be beneficial to have clear GOALS around what the mentoring conversations are going to cover. Consider creating consistent meetings and a timeline or roadmap of where you are going. Finally, it should be clear who is setting the meeting agenda, and what you want to accomplish in each conversation. Be sure that you are clear on the roles the mentor and mentee or protégé will play. Mentors can provide an important “inside track” of how things really get done in an organization or industry. They may also be someone you can take tricky issues to or seek alternative perspectives around. While mentoring used to be seen as something only seasoned professionals offered, today the concept of “Reverse Mentoring” has taken root. Younger proteges are often teaching seasoned mentors’ key elements around new ways of working, technology and other topics. This serves to ensure that there really is a beneficial two-way relationship. For more on this: Check out sections 2 and 4 questions around Collaboration in both PlanDoTrack and Coaching Business Builder. These sections will provide you with possible questions you will want to ask in establishing your mentoring relationship. There are also multiple blog posts on the topic of mentoring over at the Teams365 blog at All the best, Jennifer Check out the most recent Remote Pathways Podcast Episode which covers the topic of Strengths. You can listen to Episode 8 here, or on your favorite podcast player.
AuthorThe Remote Pathways blog follows many of the themes we explore in the Remote Pathways Podcast. This year (2020) we're proud to bring you a 52 week-series for you to follow along throughout the year. Posts are penned by co-host Jennifer Britton, an avid award-winning blogger for many years. Jennifer is the author of five books. Visit her author page on Amazon. Archives
December 2020